Energy and product review

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Discussion about Solar Cell Phone Chargers Issues Forum

Hey guys. It's a long time since i leave my home for work at shenzhen. Well, i have been an senior executive officer for a long while - near one year. However, it seems a little difficult to me to resolve my future. And today, i just want to talk about some issues about solar cell phone chargers.
Need Solar AA or AAA charger? I guess you want to charge a 3/4V camera or camcorder.. right? Well, first you need to ensure the solar charger Wolt - no less than 0.7W and out-put V is more than 4V. And than choose an universal portable solar battery charger for cell phones, PDAs, GPS and etc.

Read more at:want solar AA charger
Ridax has announced that they are now taking preorders for their new iPhone 3G charger adapter. The small 1.5"x1.5"-ish device will have a male 30-pin connector at one end and a female one at the other end, and will allow an iPhone 3G to be charged on a device not intended for the iPhone 3G. I have an iPhone Mini 9 and it's really amazing and easy to use. However, the battery capacity is a big problem and sometimes, i have to take more than 2 batteries to charger it. When i get a iPhone Pro solar battery charger, it's easy to make it. Just put your portable solar charger in sunshine and then you can charge your iPhone.

More info about this post at:Ridax iPhone Solar Charger.
Sounds pretty good. And environment could be the subject of our future energy, so solar cell products such as solar charger, portable solar charger, solar phone charger and etc will be the main stream charger for our mobile phone, PDA and etc. A series of 4 multi-colored LEDs on the back of the case lets you see the battery’s remaining charge, these LEDs also informing you as to whether there’s enough light available to actually take advantage of the built-in solar cell.
Read more at: Novothink Solar Charger Case

At last, have you understood those solar battery charger? From my experence, a battery solar charger is not a must, because it's not power and bad design. And now, if you want to get more info about it, please download this PDF file - Solar charger APP Note


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